*For better unity help your community. New LPS Bolton*
Jay Shree Krishna
Funeral details are on the poster below;
We are accepting donations in memory of our late mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Bhuliben Thakorbhai Patel who sadly passed away on 28th December 2022.
We are not accepting flower donations and instead kindly request that all donations are made to Macmillan Cancer Support to thank them for the help they provided when looking after Bhuliben in her time of need.
Bhuliben was suffering from Oesophageal cancer and MacMillan helped to make sure that her last moments at home were comfortable to allow her to be surrounded by her family.
We love you so much and we will miss you dearly, you will be in our hearts forever. Fly high and shine bright .
Om Shanti
Due to personnel reasons Chhotubhai has resigned as President of New LPS Bolton.
We would like to thank him for his leadership and immense contribution, initially as a trustee followed by the last 2 years as President.
In the interim New LPS will be managed by Kishorbhai, Maheshbhai & Kaminiben.
A new President and committee will be elected at the next AGM in April.
We would like to thank you for your continued support of the Samaj & wish you a happy Christmas and new year.
Vice President – New LPS, Bolton.
New LPS Bolton are pleased to announce that we are currently taking new memberships for 2022-23
Applicants must be over the age of 18 years and the annual fee per person is £10. Memberships commence on 1 April to 31 March. Children under the age of 18 years are free but must be part of a family membership.
Membership will qualify you to benefit from the many functions and activities which are organised by New LPS Bolton at reduced prices. These include Diwali, Navratri, Silver Sunday and many more.
We also encourage applications from non LPS members who will also enjoy the same benefits as LPS members and will be registered as ‘Social members’.
Let’s build on our current membership of over 360 members representing 184 families and encourage our community to come together and enjoy the benefits of becoming a member of the Samaj.
If you wish to join, please contact our membership team- Bharat (07832 3738190)
For further information please visit our website https://www.boltonlps.co.uk
Closing date for all new applications will be 31 August 2022 for this financial year.
An application form can be found on our website-see downloads.
Membership Team
New LPS Bolton
Dear Members,
New LPS are pleased to announce that the following vacancies will become available on 1 April 2023.
We are looking for applicants who wish to take on these challenging yet rewarding roles and continue the good work of previous members who have filled these posts.
Running and managing New LPS offers the chance to give something back to the community or make a difference to the people around them. It also provides an opportunity to develop new skills or build on existing experience and knowledge.
Applicants will be considered by the current committee and those selected will be formally accepted by the membership at the AGM in April 2023.
Where we have a number of applicants for the same post, a short list will be made by the committee and the applicants selected will then give a brief introduction at the next AGM (Covid permitting). The membership will then vote for their nominated preference.
The selection process of ‘interested candidates’, will be made at least 6 months prior to the AGM in 2023. We hope to allow the selected candidates at least 3 months with the current team to ensure a smooth handover on 1 April 2023.
We welcome applications from members over the age of 18 years who are fully paid members of New LPS Bolton. All posts will be for a minimum of 3 years.
The following posts will be available:
Vice President
Vice Secretary
Events Lead
Sports Lead
Elderly Care Lead
General Leads (4)
IT Lead
Trustee (3)
If you require any further information regarding any of these posts, please email [email protected] quoting ‘Vacancies 2023’.
Executive Committee
New LPS Bolton
Dear Members: New LPS Bolton wish to thank Bhavna Patel (Interim Trustee) for all her efforts in supporting the Samaj as she steps down from this role on 31 Aug. Bhavna has worked in the background and has been instrumental in many processes which has affected the day to day running of our Samaj. On behalf of all our members, we wish her and her family all the best for the future. Chhotubhai Patel, President.
New LPS Bolton are pleased to announce that we are currently taking new memberships for 2021-22.
Applicants must be over the age of 18 years and the annual fee per person is £10. Memberships commence on 1 April to 31 March. Children under the age of 18 years are free but must be part of a family membership.
Membership will qualify you to benefit from the many functions and activities which are organised by New LPS Bolton at reduced prices. These include Diwali, Navratri, Silver Sunday and many more.
We also encourage applications from non LPS members who will also enjoy the same benefits as LPS members and will be registered as ‘Social members’.
Let’s build on our current membership of over 415 members and encourage our community to come together and enjoy the benefits of becoming a member of the Samaj.
If you wish to join, please contact our membership team- Bharat (07832 3738190 or Indy (07765 935324).
For further information please visit our website https://www.boltonlps.co.uk
Closing date for all new applications will be 31 August 2021 for this financial year.
An application form can be found on our website-see downloads.
Membership Team
New LPS Bolton
Dear Members,
New LPS are pleased to announce that the following vacancies will become available on 1 April 2023.
We are looking for applicants who wish to take on these challenging yet rewarding roles and continue the good work of previous members who have filled these posts.
Running and managing New LPS offers the chance to give something back to the community or make a difference to the people around them. It also provides an opportunity to develop new skills or build on existing experience and knowledge.
Applicants will be considered by the current committee and those selected will be formally accepted by the membership at the AGM in April 2023.
Where we have a number of applicants for the same post, a short list will be made by the committee and the applicants selected will then give a brief introduction at the next AGM (Covid permitting). The membership will then vote for their nominated preference.
The selection process of ‘interested candidates’, will be made at least 6 months prior to the AGM in 2023. We hope to allow the selected candidates at least 3 months with the current team to ensure a smooth handover on 1 April 2023.
We welcome applications from members over the age of 18 years who are fully paid members of New LPS Bolton. All posts will be for a minimum of 3 years.
The following posts will be available:
Vice President
Vice Secretary
Events Lead
Sports Lead
Elderly Care Lead
General Leads (4)
IT Lead
Trustee (1)
If you require any further information regarding any of these posts, please email [email protected] quoting ‘Vacancies 2023’.
Executive Committee
New LPS Bolton
Dear Member,
New LPS Bolton are pleased to announce the appointment of Hetal Patel (Kharvasa) as an interim Trustee to serve on the committee with immediate effect.
Many of you will remember Hetal from her previous post on the committee where she served as Vice Secretary before taking a break to start a family.
Hetal’s post will be formally announced at the next AGM to our membership.
This appointment now completes our team and we are all committed to serve the community for the next two years.
Chhotubhai Patel
New LPS Bolton
Dear Members
New LPS committee have been extremely busy on community projects over the past few weeks. Many of you have been contacted recently asking you which items of fitness equipment you required as advertised in our recent Newsletter.
I am pleased to inform you that most of this equipment has now arrived and a ‘goodie bag’ has been prepared for our members. We will contact you in the coming days to arrange delivery/collection of these bags. Please bear with us whilst we do this on your behalf and where possible, if you are able to take a bag on behalf of someone near you, that would assist us greatly. We aim to have all the bags delivered to our members by 18 December.
Please note that for those that have requested an item of equipment, you must read the instructions before using. New LPS Bolton accept no liability for any injury caused to our members as a result of improper use of this equipment. If you are unsure, please contact Rakesh Naren on 07866 563979 for further information.
This ‘goodie bag’ is our way of thanking all our members for the support that you have given New LPS Bolton since 2017. We are pleased to inform you that we currently have 186 families representing over 375 paid members. Our next Diwali party is surely going to be a challenge!
On behalf of New LPS, we have also made the following donations:
4th December: A £200 food donation to Homeless Aid UK which was delivered to House of Rajas. A certificate of appreciation has already been posted on Facebook.
11th December: A substantial donation of chocolates, biscuits, sweets, drinks and board games to Bolton Hospice.
As your President, and on behalf of my team, it now just leaves me to thank you once again for your continued support. We wish you a safe and joyous festive season and hope that 2021 brings us all closer together and enjoying the events we were use too back in 2018 and 2019!
Please continue to follow all the Government guidelines in respect of COVID-19.
Chhotubhai Patel
New LPS Bolton
Dear members
We trust that you are all well and adjusting to the recent changes introduced by the Government. Whilst we have been given some flexibility in our movements, we must all adhere to these guidelines to prevent any further rises in outbreaks, or even worse, local lockdowns.
The committee has been very busy in the background. The recent request from our members to participate in the 2020 diary was widely received and we thank all those that provided the required information within the timescale.
We have now collated all this information, as provided by you, and this will be forwarded to LPSUK for inclusion in the new Samaj diary. Please note that the deadline for inclusion has now passed and we are unable to process any further applications.
We are also pleased to announce that New LPS has now obtained a bank account in the name of New Leuva Patidar Samaj: Bolton. This will greatly assist us when applying for funding in the future. The current account will be phased out by March 2021, and the New Leuva Patidar Samaj: Bolton will become fully operational on 1 April 2021.
From 1 September 2020, we will be accepting applications for new members. Successful memberships will commence on 1 April 2021 and fees will be collected after this date. If you know of anyone wishing to join the Samaj, then please spread the word.
Membership forms can be downloaded here.
We hope that all our members continue to stay safe and look out for those less fortunate than ourselves during this difficult period.
On behalf of the Executive Committee,
New LPS Bolton
Update: LPSUK Diary Project 2020
PLEASE NOTE that if you miss this deadline of 6 JULY then your details will not be published in the Samaj diary.
We have been advised by LPSUK that the forthcoming diary project is now underway and we have been asked to provide members information for inclusion in the diary.
In order for us to compile an accurate account of the information, we are now contacting all our members for their assistance in this project. For those members who have given email addresses for communication, one member from each household will receive an email shortly with an attached form to complete.
This email will be sent from the following email address: [email protected]
Please follow the instructions on the form for completion.
Where we do not have an email address, those members will be contacted by a committee member by telephone for the required information.
We request that upon receipt of this email, the attached document is completed and returned to [email protected]
The information you supply will be printed exactly as we receive it. It is therefore IMPORTANT that you check the information before returning to us.
New LPS Bolton requests our members’ co-operation in this project and hopes that you are able to supply the required information within the timeframe specified in the email which you will receive in the coming days.
If you do not wish to be included in the diary then please still return the form stating your intention so that we can note our records accordingly.
We thank you for your co-operation and assistance in this project.
On behalf of the Executive Committee,
New LPS Bolton
Request for Donations of IT equipment
Dear Members
On behalf of the Executive Committee, we are making a request to our members to assist in the donation of any unwanted iPads, smartphones which are surplus to your requirements.
During this current pandemic, we are unable to organise any further events for our members. We know that our Silver Sunday events were a great success with our elder members and were very well attended by them.
We believe that many of our elder members now find themselves in a situation where they are isolated from family and friends. The current government guidelines remain unclear as to when people can start meeting again and this must be extremely frustrating for everyone.
One initiative we have considered is the distribution of iPads or smartphones to elders so that they can keep in touch with others in the community, in particular by video messaging.
If you are able to assist in this programme and have such items which you no longer use, or would like to help in any other way, we would like you to get in touch.
For further information please email Chhotubhai (Trustee) on:
On behalf of the Executive Committee,
New LPS Bolton
New LPS Bolton Annual General Meeting and Membership fees for 2020
Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, It has been decided that we will not be holding an Annual General Meeting for the current financial year 2020-21.
It has also been decided that no membership fees will be collected for this period. For those members that have paid their memberships for this year, you will be contacted in the coming days by a member of the Executive team to arrange a refund. The refund will be done by bank transfer.
New LPS Bolton will keep our members informed regarding further developments. In the meantime, we ask all our members to continue to follow the Government guidelines and to keep safe. We also ask you to keep in contact with our elderly members who will be feeling extremely vulnerable during this difficult time.
On behalf of the Executive Committee,
New LPS Bolton
New LPS Bolton Events 2020-21
Following a meeting with the Executive Team, It has been decided that New LPS Bolton will not be engaging in any events for our members for this financial year.
This decision has not been taken lightly, but given the current Covid-19 pandemic, we feel that it would not be in the interest of our members to engage in social activities during this present time.
Furthermore, New LPS Bolton will not be supporting any activities organised or sponsored by any outside groups.
We know that our members will be disappointed that such events as Diwali and Navratri will not be organised by New LPS this year, but we strongly believe that our members welfare is far more important to us.
We hope our members understand the situation that we all find ourselves in and continue to support the Samaj during this difficult time.
On behalf of the Executive Committee,
New LPS Bolton
Update: New LPS Bolton Annual General Meeting and Membership fees for 2020
Dear Members
New LPS Bolton hopes that all our members are well and coping with the current situation that each and everyone finds ourselves in.
We as a Samaj have been unable to fulfill the many events we had planned for this coming year for our membership. We know this must be both disappointing and frustrating for you all as it is for us as a committee who organise these on your behalf.
We are therefore unable to give you a timescale as to when we will be back fully operational and serving our community. We ask that you be patient with us and do all you can to stay safe and follow the strict guidelines as laid out by the Government.
As we have been unable to hold our AGM, many of our members have contacted us regarding membership fees as most pay at the annual meeting. We are unable to give a definitive answer to this as we do not know when this current crisis will end. However, should you wish to pay your membership online, this would support us greatly, and will also assist the Samaj in meeting any expenses we continue to incur during this time.
Should it transpire that this situation continues and that we are unable to support our members this year in planned events, then a decision will be made by the Executive Committee regarding membership fees that have already been paid. This will either mean that we refund fees already paid for this financial year 2020-2021 or alternatively carry them over to the following year 2021-2022.
Those members that have already paid will have the right to choose which method they prefer should we have to consider this course of action in the future.
In the meantime, if you still wish to continue supporting the Samaj during this difficult and unprecedented time by paying your annual membership, then please do so using the following account details:
Account Name: Nikhil Patel
Sort Code: 09-01-29
Account No: 40672599
Please quote your membership number so that we can identify payments and update our records eg: MEM001(4) £40.00
If you are unsure of your current membership number then please contact Chhotubhai on 07766226156 who will assist with your membership number.
On behalf of the Committee, we thank our members for your valuable support. Please stay safe during this time and remember to keep in touch with those in our community who are vulnerable during this crisis.
On behalf of the Executive Committee,
New LPS Bolton
Dear members’
I truly hope that this message finds you and your loved ones in good health despite the unprecedented position the world currently finds itself in. Coronavirus(COVID-19) has affected us all and will continue to do so for some time to come. We must all adhere to the current guidelines issued by the Government in maintaining social distancing.
The Executive Committee has taken the initiative to help our NHS by making a donation to help support all those that are currently working in our hospitals and care homes. This donation is on behalf of all our members at New LPS Bolton.
Should you wish to make an individual donation to support our services then this can be done using the following link:
Please also continue to support our NHS staff by clapping on Thursdays at 8pm. I can assure you that this gesture is very much appreciated by all those at the Royal Bolton Hospital.
Kamina Patel, Vice President
New LPS Bolton
Dear Member
“Due to the Corona Virus COVID-19 outbreak, the committee has been forced to postpone the AGM. We will communicate the revised date when things get back to normality. On behalf of New LPS committee, we would like to thank you for all your support in the past year.”
All members can still renew their membership however we would like to request that this be done by bank transfer where possible & using your membership number as the reference. The bank details are listed below. For those members who are unable to make bank transfers please contact Indy (07765 935324) or Bharatbhai (07832373819) to make the necessary arrangement for payment.
Please can we take this opportunity to request all members to make every effort to renew their membership by bank transfer & complete renewal on time
Our new bank details are as follows:
Bank: Santander
Sort code: 09-01-29
Account: 40672599
Name: Nikhil Patel
Please quote your Membership number as the reference. If you are paying a family membership then please quote MEM (then your unique number) and in brackets the number of people you are paying for. Eg: MEM123(3).
If you are unsure of your membership number then please contact Indy (07765 935324) or Bharat (07832373819) and we will assist you. Please notify either of us by text once the payment has been made so that we can update our database. New membership cards for all online payments will be issued in May.
NOTE: On line payments will be accepted after I April.
Please note that the fee is £10 per person for all members over the age of 18 years.
We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation.
NewLPS Committee
Indy Patel
Bharat Patel
3rd Edition February 2020
Please click on the link to view our latest newsletter 3rd Edition Feb. 2020
Social Media
Committee Members